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Networking can be very good for your health!

Networking can be very good for your health! Networking is good for you. So we are told all the time! You know already that you should network if you are looking for work and, oh yes, of course you must network if you are starting up a new business. But for some of us, the prospect of networking can be quite daunting. Now why should that be so? Let us think a little about networking and what it is really about.  Networking is about finding and building new relationships. It is about meeting new people and finding an opportunity to make an exchange, be it simply an exchange of friendship.  We go somewhere to meet someone new. We exchange information and then test out whether they are interesting to us and in return we hope to be interesting to them.  Most of us do it all the time in our private lives. But when it comes to networking for work, many of us feel much more diffident because we are not just looking for friendship.  We are hoping this new contact

So you have always wanted to know more about art!

So you have always wanted to know more about art!  So you have always wanted to know more about art and you have always wanted to find the time to visit galleries but you don't know where to start. Well here is a place to play. The Google Art Project is a collaboration between Google and 151 incredible collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, historic and religious artefacts, photographs and important manuscripts. They come from 40 different countries. You can explore the exhibits right down to the brush strokes. You can take a tour of the gallery or museum or you can build and share your own collection. There are 30,000 works of art with more to come. All kinds of things are there from the White House collection to the Rock Art Museum in South Africa. There are notes on the work of art but you can usually find out more with a web search if you need to. You can see where to find the piece in your own city – and it even tells

How to stop crying in front of people!

crying emoticone (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) How to stop crying in front of people! Crying is a great way to release emotions when you are upset.  There are many people who feel better after a “good cry”.  And it is quite natural to cry when we have suffered a great loss, for example, on the death of someone close to us.   If you can’t stop crying or have repeated bouts of crying for no obvious reason, it is best to seek help from a doctor or a counselor because that may be a sign of depression. Even though crying is good for us, there is a time and place for it.  In general, it is best done alone or with very close friends or family. It is usually not a good idea to cry at work. Unfortunately, a lot of the old prejudices still hold sway and many managers find it really difficult to deal with people who burst into tears.  This is sad and it says something about the limitations of many managers!  But it is still a fact of life. So what to do when tears threaten at work?  We

Dealing With a Bully

 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Dealing With a Bully What is bullying? Bullying can mean many different things. According to  Childline , these are some ways children and young people have described bullying: ·          being called names ·          being teased ·          being pushed or pulled about ·          having money and other possessions taken or messed about with ·          having rumours spread about you ·          being ignored and left out ·          being hit, kicked or physically hurt in any way ·          being threatened or intimidated Bullying can also be part of other forms of  abuse , including  neglect ,  emotional ,  physical  and  sexual  abuse and on-line bullying is already notorious. But of course bullying doesn't happen just to children, although children and the elderly are particularly at risk.  People can be bullied for all sorts of reasons or no particular reason at all. Sometimes people who bully others pi

Time Management – Find Your Prime Time

Eastern Screetch-Owl  (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Time Management – Find Your Prime Time My four earlier posts about Time Management; The Clock Is Ticking! How Good Are You At Time Management Time Management: Know Where Time Goes - Keep A Log Pinpointing Those Emotional Blocks to Change Time Management – Becoming Better Organized said that the first four steps in managing time are;  To be clear about your purpose and your direction in life, To know how you spend your time To include an emotional element in your time management program. To become better organized Now you need to find out your best time to work! Some people are “owls” and work best in the late afternoon. Others are “larks” and love to wake up early and get on with their work.  One is not better than the other, they are just different. It is best to do your most demanding tasks when you are alert and at your best – work at your best internal prime time.