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Smiling Makes You Beautiful!

Everyone smiles in the same language. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Smiling Makes You Beautiful! I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. -  Author Unknown  Research has shown that smiling makes you feel better.   Not only that, smiling boosts your immune system. So if you are feeling down - the weather is rotten, you feel chilly and you don't want to catch that cold, smile and smile again.  It will help you to get through the day!   Smiling helps you feel less stressed too and it actually seems to lower blood pressure!  The muscles you use when you smile help your face to look younger.  A smile makes everyone and anyone look more approachable.  So take your confidence and your smile and make friends - smile and most people will smile back!  You can, make someone's day with a smile. I started with a quote so I'll finish with one too!  No one knows who wrote this.  It is just someone's anonymous gift to the world.  And whoever you are

Friday Quotes - On Dieting And Just For Fun

Friday Quotes - On Dieting And Just For Fun Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever. Anon. I'm allergic to food. Every time I eat it breaks out into fat. Jennifer Greene Duncan I keep trying to lose weight... but it keeps finding me! Anon . Avoid any diet that discourages the use of hot fudge. Don Kardong Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake. Anon. I'm not overweight. I'm just nine inches too short. Shelley Winters Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends. Anon The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet book - how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook. Andy Rooney In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips, and chains. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale. Stephen Phillips When we lose twenty pounds..
How to get an Office Workout (With A Little Dignity) No, not that - join Sarah and Wendy from below as Wendy demonstrates some easy exercise moves you can do while at the office. Learn how to tone your abs, glutes, core, and more right from the comfort of your desk! Get in some office fitness with this "how to get an office workout" video.   Related articles Coffee Break Learning - What is Philosophy? Absolutely Fabulous - I'm So Beautiful Friday Quotes - Inspiration from Strong Women Are you happy?

7 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

7 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep Dr. Gail Saltz is a psychiatrist with New York Presbyterian Hospital.  In this recent post she writes about the stress of modern and the toll it might take on our sleeping habits.  But as she says... "Sleep is tremendously important, affecting both physical and mental  health . Lack of deep, restorative sleep can lead to mood alterations, depression, hunger and fatigue. A lack of concentration means work performance suffers. Irritability means relationships suffer. It’s no wonder that sleep deprivation is used as a means of torture." She doesn’t advocate taking sleeping pills for sleep problems that are likely temporary and related to the life you are living. Instead she provides seven tips for getting a good night's sleep and you can find them at this link Dr. Gail Saltz is a psychiatrist with New York Presbyteria

How Travel Can Create Cathartic Moments

Summer is often a time for travel and here  not-for-profit executive Courtney Spence answers the question "What Have You Found Most Rewarding About Traveling to New Places?" She notes how the art and journey of traveling has helped her find breakthrough moments in her life. As she points out the trips do not need not be exotic - it is about the experiences that make a trip and leave a positive and inspirational impact on your life.  As Founder and Executive Director, Courtney Spence leads the organization, Students of the World. It sets out to empower college students to use film, photography, and journalism to tell stories of global issues and the organizations working to address them. Meanwhile if you are serious about personal development, particularly personal development and your career, I think you will find our new programme interesting. It is at this link Wendy Mason is a career coach working mainly with mana

Life really isn't too short to stuff a mushroom here is a recipe!

I am of the generation of women that grew up believing life really was too short to stuff a mushroom.  Here is a really cool little video showing that we were wrong. Chorizo stuffed mushrooms - the easiest stuffed mushrooms recipe ever. In under 5 minutes, watch as a lovely appetizer is prepared. 

My Mother and "Peace in the Valley" by Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley died 35 years ago today. My mother was already in her late forties when Elvis came to prominence around 1956.  She bought just one record by Elvis - it was an "ep" (vinyl extended play) with four gospel songs on it.  This is the one she loved and so do I.  Thanks Elvis - wherever you are!