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Healthy Living: Healthy Fats Won’t Make You Fat

AV Number: AV-8812-3430 . (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Healthy Living:  Healthy Fats Won’t Make You Fat Today's post is from contributor - Natasha Gelder. Natasha is a full time Literature student based in Leeds who is juggling the quests for higher education, money and rock hard abs. She believes exercising is a vital part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle and should not be seen as a chore .  You can find her blog here There seems to be a lot of confusion over the food group ‘fats’, with most people assuming that all fats are bad for them. Many people seem to believe that eliminating all fat from their diet is the best way to lose weight quickly and effectively. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. Fats are actually an essential part of our everyday diet and are needed to help maintain a healthy lifestyle, however, only some fats are beneficial to us and should be eaten regularly; this is where the confusion regarding

My Belief By Stephanie Carfrae

My Belief By Stephanie Carfrae Here is another post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Stephanie's  first video on  YouTube   When I find myself facing a task I don’t like or that I think will take a long time if I get involved.  I just imagine myself not being able to do that particular thing ever again. It helps me stop putting things off.   Having infinity to get things done is a nice idea but that’s all it can ever be because time is so precious. Life is unpredictable at the best of times.  After I’ve had a good time at an occasion, I just use that as inspiration to do what I need to.  Life is an unpredictable waiting game.  You never know what is coming next. Which is why it can be exciting.  When you’re going through a really hard time, it seems it will never improve. But there is always a ray of light somewhere. I

Healthy Living: Shut Up and Squat.

Healthy Living: Shut Up and Squat. Today's post is from contributor - Natasha Gelder. Natasha is a full time Literature student based in Leeds who is juggling the quests for higher education, money and rock hard abs. She believes exercising is a vital part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle and should not be seen as a chore .  You can find her blog here From the outset, it may seem strange that I am choosing to write an entire article solely on squats.  After all, you may be thinking, it is just one exercise. The squat is not just one exercise; it is the exercise of all exercises. If you want to see impressive results in a short space of time then you cannot afford to miss squats out of your exercise routine. Squats help to build muscle all over your body; they actually create an anabolic environment which means that they contribute to a person’s ability to build muscle everywhere and not just in your lower half. Although they h

Gentle Yoga in the Chair

Gentle Yoga in the Chair This video shows you gentle Yoga exercises that you can sit in a chair to perform. They were created for people with cancer. But I believe they will be useful for anyone who for one reason or other cannot exercise on their feet. Enter your email address to receive future posts straight to you in box: Delivered by FeedBurner

Making the tea. When you feel the fear!

Making the tea. When you feel the fear! Here is another post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Stephanie's  first video on  YouTube    You are arrested by your own fears.  You are the only one stopping you. "Because I might get laughed at!" "Because I might get it wrong!" Sound familiar?  If you never try, you’ll never know. You could be the best.  But a reluctance to face what you could be great at is, of course, a holdback.  If you’re strong enough to not want regrets, you need to let go of your fears. Though people may laugh at the start, when it becomes your norm, people who appreciate you will laugh at them!  Just because someone doesn’t believe in something, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong for you.  My parents are very protective of me and won’t even let me make a cup of tea! Crazy I know: they are on