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When you need to believe in you!

When you need to believe in you! Here is another post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Stephanie's  first video on  YouTube   There is always someone worse off than you, even if you think you’re the unluckiest person for a day, someone goes through their whole life as the ‘unluckiest.’  The same can be said for a black sheep.  You don’t want to be a black sheep all your life but you’re too afraid to go for it with someone, or talk to someone, get your voice heard etc. I know how you feel believe me I’ve been there. But I’m not afraid anymore. And d’you know why? Because I believe in myself.  It’s not something that just happens overnight. I do sometimes still have to persuade myself that I am worth it etc. because at the end of the day I am the only one who can catch myself when I fall, or stand up and say ‘I made that

Keep Holding On - Behind The Clouds, The Sun Still Shines!

Keep Holding On - Behind The Clouds, The Sun Still Shines! Here is another post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Stephanie's  first video on  YouTube   It’s hard to be patient. But as one of my favourite quotes goes ‘’Things are happening behind the scenes, if not visible on the surface.”  So when you feel the rollercoaster of life has broken down for you, and you’re watching everyone else fly past you (or that’s what it feels like) know that it is just taking a breather to make things better in your life.  When there’s nothing going on in your life, just know that something is making its way to you.  When everything is going on in your life, you forget about the little things that troubled you. For instance, I entered a competition and the end date was the day I moved into university for my first year. Now I forgot all ab

You have to be able to make yourself happy.

You have to be able to make yourself happy.  Here is another post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Stephanie's  first video on  YouTube   A lot of exciting things have happened to me this week!  And good things might not come in hordes or bundles, they might be one at a time but that will make you appreciate them for what they are more at the time!  If you want good things to happen, understand that they won’t all happen at once! Life doesn’t work like that.  Only one good thing actually happened for me this week, but because of that I got to re-live one of my best memories on my blog! So I made it into ‘a lot of things’.  And that’s what you have to do sometimes. Y ou have to be able to make yourself happy.  When there’s not much going on, you need to be able to make yourself smile. Find a book you can lose yourself in or a

Healthy Living:Get going every day

Healthy Living:Get going every day This post is from the  Change4Life   website Many of us aren't too keen on the idea of exercise. It might be that we’re too busy or we simply can’t face the thought of it. But most people are not getting the amount of activity they need to stay healthy. Only 1 in 20 people are actually doing the right kind of activity they need each week. And sitting down for hours – maybe at work, watching TV or playing computer games - can also increase the risk of poor health. Building activity into your day keeps your heart healthy, reduces your risk of serious illness and strengthens muscles and bones. It can also be a great way of reducing your stress levels and lifting your mood if you’re feeling down. That means: Adults needs to be active for at least 150 minutes each week Kids aged five to 16 need to be active for at least 60 minutes each day Kids under five need three hours of activity a day  Activities for adults For adults, it ca

Friday Recipe - Sweet and Sour Fish - As Simple As It Gets

Friday Recipe - Sweet and Sour Fish - As Simple As It Gets Thanks to Trymasak  :: I hope you have a wonderful weekend Warm regards Wendy Related articles Job Search: Writing Your CV/Resume: Where do you start? Tuesday Clinic: When You Make A Mistake! Are you an empathetic manager?