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Showing posts with the label confidence

Jack Canfield: Create Your Attitude

Jack Canfield: Create Your Attitude Jack Canfield as the founder and co-creator of the New York Times No. 1 best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.  The series currently has over 35 titles and 53 million copies in print in over 32 languages. You can find a selection of his books on the carousel below What you may not know is that Jack is also the founder of Self Esteem Seminars located in Santa Barbara, California, which trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and employees in how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals. Jack is also the Founder of The Foundation for Self Esteem located in Culver City, California, which provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals. Widgets Wendy Mason is a career coach.  She helps people reach their goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life.  Before working as a coach,

The Ten Pillars for Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience is a one of the most important skills we can have - this short clip describes the ten characteristics of emotional resilience and the value of training to develop it. The Ten Pillars for Emotional Resilience If you are serious about personal development, particularly personal development and your career, I think you will find our new programme interesting. It is at this link Wendy Mason is a career coach working mainly with managers and professionals who want to make that jump to senior level while maintaining a good work/life balance. Before working as a coach, Wendy had a long career in both the public and private sectors in general management and consultancy as well as spells in HR.  She now divides her time between face to face coaching, and coaching and blogging on-line. You can contact Wendy at W  and find out more at Related articles Learnin

Be Successful – Making A Personal Change – Part 6 Change Your Core Beliefs | WiseWolf Talking - the Wisewolf Coaching Blog

Be Successful – Making A Personal Change – Part 6 Change Your Core Beliefs | WiseWolf Talking - the Wisewolf Coaching Blog There is a new post on WiseWolf Talking that you might enjoy! You can change those core beliefs we all carry. They get in the way when we want to make a personal change that will improve our lives.  We all carry unhelpful beliefs about ourselves, about other people and about the world about us. We gather them up as we go through life from our parents, our teachers, others about us and from things that happen to us. We learn to think, for example, that we are lazy or stupid. May be we think we are bad people, unworthy of happiness or success; or that people like us just never succeed! Most of these belief are not founded in anything real but we go on believing. We may have failed at something once but that doesn’t mean we will not succeed this time or that we are less worthy of happiness. You can read more at the link below Be Successful – Making A P

Public Speaking, Personal Confidence, and the ‘Shy Extrovert’

Today we have a special guest post.  To make it really useful to you, it includes some very personal experience so on this occasion I'm not going to publish the name of the writer.  But she has my very grateful thanks. Public Speaking, Personal Confidence, and the ‘Shy Extrovert’ Forget chicken soup for the soul, one of the best cures for lack of confidence and some forms of depression could in fact be public speaking. Usually the benefits of becoming a competent public speaker are seen as advancing your career prospects or building your reputation, if you are in business! In fact it is seen as being good for any cause you want to promote. Public speaking is a ‘skill’ but I would like to propose that it can also be a great ‘medicine.’ Just as exercise is recommended for increasing serotonin levels in the brain, getting your mind and body to perform under pressure can also give you a high! As for me, well, I found that beating one of my worst nightmares was actually

What to do about jealousy!

A Japanese painting from 1750 shows a young man catching his lover reading a love letter from a rival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What to do about jealousy! Jealousy happens between two people when one sees an actual or imagined threat to the relationship posed by someone else. Morbid jealousy – the worst kind - occurs when one partner becomes obsessed with thoughts about the other partner's unfaithfulness but their suspicions are not founded in real fact. Basically, one partner is terrified of losing the other.  Even a conversation the partner has with someone else can be seen as a threat.  One partner becomes desperate that they no longer have exclusive rights to their partner – they feel that their “property” rights are being infringed. Jealousy may be combined with other emotions, for example, anxiety about loss of a loved one and fear of shame or loss of dignity. Jealousy is often accompanied by anger. Often distrust of a partner comes from dist

Be Open – Confidence and the Personal Development Mindset

  This post appeared first in the blog at my  WiseWolf Personal Development Coaching  Website   WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE OPEN? Personal development means being open, honest and transparent, not least with ourselves.  It means being able to accept our own weaknesses and when something has gone wrong having the strength to apologize and to explain.  Personal development means being open to new ideas - thoughts and opinions of others.  Sometimes you need the grace to agree to disagree. Being open is not without risk but then all personal growth is accompanied by some kind of challenge. BUT HOW DO YOU TAKE THAT FIRST STEP? Understand first of all that it may be a little uncomfortable and then try these tips Try to be relaxed when discussing new ideas, rather than having an immediate reaction. Start to challenge your own preconceptions – next time you find yourself about to express an opinion take a step back and spend a few minutes thinking through the opposite point of view

Be a Self-Starter – Confidence and the Personal Development Mindset

This post appeared first in the blog at my  Wisewolf Personal Development Coaching  Website The third characteristic of a  Personal Development Mindset    is to be a self-starter! WHAT IS BEING A SELF-STARTER Personal development means taking personal responsibility for your own learning and development and taking the first steps yourself. Usually this is through a process of review/stock-take, exploration/research, and taking action. BUT HOW DO YOU TAKE THAT FIRST STEP? One of the best ways to start your self-development is to prioritize your professional and personal goals.  It is impossible to do everything so it is important to make a list and make choices. What for you are the most important things to do, in terms of your career and your personal life? Think about; Your private interests and needs in your life outside work; for example spiritual development, parenting skills or relationship building. Your career interests, for example, responding to devel

Be Self-Confident – Confidence and the Personal Development Mindset

This post appeared first in the blog at our  Personal Development Coaching  Website The second characteristic of a Personal Development Mindset  is self-confidence. What is self confidence? You are self-confident when you believe in you and your own abilities. It doesn’t mean that you always get things right. But when you don’t, you still think you are OK, you are not lacking or incomplete. It is the self-confidence that allows you to have a go at new things – you are OK and so you can try something new!  Self-confidence means you can integrate mind and body and focus on what you want to achieve.  You believe "I have the ability to do this"! Self-confidence leads to success Self-confidence is at the root of many other abilities and traits. If you do not have self-confidence, what you do will never be truly fulfilling. You won’t believe that any success you achieve was really down to you. And you may not have the confidence to try new things and

Be Optimistic – Confidence and the Personal Development Mindset

This post appeared first in the blog at our Personal Development Coaching Website Optimists see Good around them – they focus on the positive!  That means the impact of negative things is very much reduced! Pessimists – do just the opposite. They concentrate on negative events and so miss out on the full impact of lots of good things. Research suggests that whether we are optimists or pessimists depends to some extent on our genetic make up – we are born with a tendency that way. But environment and how we grow up also plays a part. Think about your own experience – as you were growing up, did those around see life in a negative or a positive way?  What effect do you think that had on you?   But we know that on the whole optimists are happier and research suggests that they are also healthier and live longer. They appear to suffer less from depression and they recover more quickly from illness. Pessimism drains you and wears you out.  You feel just plain tired of

Don't be shy! Overcoming Shyness!

Image via Wikipedia As my grandfather once said, "The secret of life is learning to make a fool of yourself gracefully."  James Redfield  " The Celestine Vision" Shyness is sometimes known as social phobia or social anxiety disorder.  But whatever the name, lots of us know the feeling. Shy people may only fear one specific kind of situation - say speaking in public.  But others may be troubled by a whole range of different situations.  For example; Having to perform  stage Dealing with authority figures like doctors or headmasters Eating and drinking in public Writing an important and formal letter Meeting up with the opposite sex and dating Going to parties and other social events Shy people feel sure that other people are going to judge them and find them lacking in some way.  They think they will feel embarrassed or humiliated and that others expect them to behave perfectly.  Shy people expect and look for negat

New relationship? 10 tips to help it last!

Be honest, be yourself.  Nothing erodes confidence more than trying to maintain a  facade! It is exhausting and might cost you the relationship when ( not if ) you get caught out! Play it straight.   Talk to each other and don't play games.  Speak up if something is bothering one of you - be kind and listen to each other.  Have confidence.  If you can believe in yourself you have much more chance of having a strong and confident relationship. If you are not confident then seek help - Confidence Coach at this link can help you . Together, layout the ground rules at the start. It is good to agree at the beginning how much time you plan to spend together and how you will make time to be with other friends and family.  Then stick to the agreement - no one should come back with recriminations.    Be gentle and affectionate. This is about being physically at ease with each other - no, I'm not talking about sex.  You should be able to touch each other easily and without f